Quarterly awareness journal

A Season of Awakening

Daily practices for a mindful life.

Find your rhythm

Feeling lost, maybe even out of control?

Daily Checklist

Every day has a list of “non-negotiables” which are the basic requirements for optimal function in an easy-to-use checkbox grid.

Awareness Journal

Set weekly intentions, write down your affirmatives and track your new awarenesses as you move through your week listening to your body.

Track Feelings

Tracking your feelings helps you see the patterns and correlation between how you feel and how you’re treating yourself, and your body, each week.

Join our Community

In a world where individualism often takes center stage and the pursuit of success can feel like a solo journey, it’s easy to overlook the importance of community. Join our haven of like-minded individuals who understand the value of celebrating success together.



Keep in touch and stay accountable to others. Be seen. Be heard.


Success Stories

Celebrate your successes and share what you are overcoming.



Become aware of all the possibilities around you. Take action. Awaken to your full potential.

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Thank you for inviting me to join and participate in this group! Filling out the books daily helped to keep me on track and posting grids also held me accountable like having a workout buddy. I truly believe these are not just good habits but a positive lifestyle choice. This is a great way to get to know other women who are like minded. I enjoyed doing this! ❤️


Springfield, Missouri


Daily Affirmations

Words are powerful. They hold energy and can shape our reality. Boost self esteem, confidence and mental health by speaking to yourself like someone you love.



Water makes up roughly 60% of the human body. Are you experiencing vision problems, muscle cramps, headaches, muscle weakness, fatigue or dry skin? You’re probably dehydrated like roughly 75% of Americans.


Intentional Movement

Your body was designed to move and has an unsung hero working quietly behind the scenes for your well-bing and it needs your attention.


Eat Real Food

You are what you eat, quite literally. And, your body partially regenerates itself every seven years, using the food, beverages and substances you put into it every day.


Intentional Breathing

Breathing air is something we do without a second thought, yet its impact on our well-being is profound. There are seven benefits to intentional breathing everyone needs to know about.


Cultivate Awareness

Awareness is the first step of healing. Being still and listening to those mysterious signals being sent from our body, mind and internal guidance system is a super power.

want a private partner in accountability?

It’s time to thrive.

The key to follow-through is choosing to make an agreement to be held accountable. When I started this program back in 2023, that was the missing link. In fact, studies show that having a specific partner for check-ins increases your chances of accomplishing your goals to 95%.

Complete the form and get started today!